whose bagged a badger lets boycott the farmers

Somerset and Gloucestershire
already have begun
murdering the Badgers
even before the sun
sets, their bodies motionless
shot before they know
coming out to feed that’s all
yea that’s the way to go
the farmers they are totally
convinced that Badgers are
the culprits and have got to go
really now as far
as they can get the government
to murder them so they
can safe guard their sick cattle
for at least another day

those of us who know these things
know really what’s the score
the bloody way they feed the cows
and also what is more
the badgers make no difference
there was no way they should die
just another scapegoat
we can hear the Badgers cry

the public most of them
are just not worried
the farmers are the one’s who
get the pain
who cares about some black and white
rat living in the forest
I’ve heard that said
yea time and time again

Well I care and a lot of people
that I know
want to keep our wild souls
for they be
important to the countryside
whatever Cameron thinks
politicians are useless actually

they haven’t got a clue
what they are on about
they listen to whoever
that’s their way
farmers give them more contributions
than the badgers
the piper hold the audience
so they say

I think its a big swindle
if you ask me
Badgers don’t deserve this
not at all
they are eating what they have
always eaten
which is sadly not what the cows
that’s my call
dosed up on antibiotics and the
medicines bottles of them
fill the bins each day
give them fresh organic grass
not the GM shit 3 rd class
TB wait there is no way

the dairy boys and girls should not have been given
the badgers necks just on the line and we
should boycott milk and dairy don’t be airy fairy
boycott it, let them bloody see
we know they have miscalculated actually
the badgers are not anything to do
with TB and if they think they can
get one over on us
our boycott of them should begin with YOU!

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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One Response to whose bagged a badger lets boycott the farmers

  1. Eileen Thomson says:

    Stop the cull

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