In Greece it seems the dogs
are really suffering
those strays
are very likely to be killed
they chase the sheep
they are viewed as a great nuisance
and the shepherds and the people
will not keep
any of them for they do cost money
vet bills, food and housing seem to be
just too far out of the peoples pockets
and just resort to torture and they be
ejected on the highways and the byways
hung from trees in forests by thin wire
dragged along behind a motor cycle
a stray in Greece must view its lot as dire
a few will feed and house them
but their priorities are not
aimed at any animals these strays
some may end up in a pot
others might be tortured
and left staked out in a field
or thrown into a quarry
or otherwise concealed
with very little money a stray dog
has no chance, no chance to show!
his prowess
he’s not worth a second glance
fending for theselves out on the streets
its like a war zone after all
with racing cars and torturers
with business going to the wall
Their best chance is to go wild and to forage
around the back of shops sometimes they find
scrags of meat and dead birds they can feast on
but clearly most just now cannot unwind
the human population some are desperate
and torture seems a pastime they believe
if they can grab a stray and torture it to death
they cut out a mouth which apparently does achieve
something in their sicko heads apparently
when there’s cats and rats also getting quite a run
cats are being tied up in a sack sometimes and left to
cook inside under the sun
or thrown into the ocean drowned its happening
every kind of torture seems to be
happening in Greece just at this moment
Its an awful time in its long history