For years I have been flummoxed
by the response from all these islanders
who have to beach these whales
and slaughter each of them by hand
History created this really awful happening
the soil around those parts thought
not conducive rock and sand
their concern for base nutrition
introduced them to the mission
of slaughtering the sea life
to gain sufficient food
but the terrible pollution
means it can’t be a solution
the mercury and PCB’s to which
I now allude
it is a senseless slaughter
for clearly in the water
man has shot his worst and
its coming home to roost
it might protect these wretched souls
living in their watery holes
but custom and tradition
now apparently controls
the thinking for like robots
the islanders continue
slaughtering the whales
and slashing them to death
these are sentient beings
intelligent and capable
this is such a waste of life
begrudging them of breath
my feelings are that somehow
this carnage has to stop
nutrition for the islanders
must be at the top
surely the Danish Authorities
can see to it that they
have the where for all to cope
without the need to slay
creatures that are jam packed
with toxins that create
terrible imbalances in consumers
at the rate
where cancers will be prevalent
and illness will be high
the need is to protect the people
and ensure the whales don’t die
from desperation judgement
can wreak a crooked path
and for want of good nutrition
it may be that the wrath
of all that’s bad will fall on
those who fail to realise
that consuming highly toxic meat
will hasten their demise
some might say good riddance
its not that simple, we
must help those feeling frustrated
and lonely by the sea
these islands called the Faroe’s
have their share of woe
but killing whales and eating them
is not the way to go
besides the awful way their killed
turning the beaches red
ribboning their living flesh
slashing till their dead
is egregious torture
their pain must be immense
it worrying and painful
and it never did make sense
but it now makes even less sense
for these creatures rapidly
are jam packed with dioxins
and with amounts of mercury
Pregnant females
juveniles all die
the islanders just don’t seem phased
we must ask ourselves why
compassion for those creatures
apparently isn’t there
the mayhem of successive grinds
which lead to our despair
it has to stop, it has to
its murderous dissent
it ugly and futile
that so many souls are spent
science has already warned
the islanders that they face
more cancers and more illness
which is rising at a pace
they are storing up their problems
and must realise its so
the food source is a toxic source
and problems there will grow
there must be other answers
and Denmark should now be
working with them purposefully
helping them to see
helping them to supplement
their diets and to show
them that this awful carnage
is becoming such a blow
to people all around the world
who see this and who feel
the whales must have some say in this
for in them they conceal
such toxins man un kind created
and tossed over board
to this extent most realise
the price we can’t afford
we arrogantly jettisoned
our toxins in the sea
somehow our truest arrogance
mean’t we ignorantly
imagined they would disappear
biodegrade be gone
but of course their half lives
stretch across the centuries
and go on
poisoning the planet
and all who come to be
those who swim the oceans
clearly they now see
their bodies really loaded
with the toxic waste we use
and throw away haphazardly
in a sense we just abuse
all that we were given
all the good that was there
we thinking very selfishly
created the despair