The Burger Chains and their supplies

Kicking and slapping and bashing
and crashing
these minor men prickless
far from the dashing
vile violent torturers
paid to do what
look after dairy cows
and what we’ve got

is a terrible place
the stalls wringing wet
cows being beaten
really just set
up to be slaughtered
many so ill
disabled and jumped on
I feel a chill

run down my spine
at these spineless trolls
the place should be shut down
for no one has souls
they are a bunch of louts
cowards after all
who should be taken
and screwed to the wall

and let the cows sort them
leave them in there
with the cows for a few days
soak up some despair
let them suffer in silence
as those poor cows do
and realise really
that their lives are through

for no women on earth
would entertain those
who with such vile malice
honestly pose
this kind of treatment
to animals who
have given their lives
and their milk and now do

not need this
nobody needs this
any more
they are just savage
deep down to their core
they should be in jail
because all of this strife
has cost them their freedom
they now must serve life

that Burger King and the chains
let this go on
don’t do their inspections
just descend upon
these places and give them
a bit of their mind
pull out of their contracts
and leave them behind

where is the government
why don’t they know
inspection where is it
the scum bags they grow
all over the place and just get away
with torture and cruelty
day after day

I am a vegan
but what are you
if you eat meat
what do you do
do you condone this
by looking away
if you do get of your
arse right away

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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