We point our fingers directly
at the murdering display
the Taiji fishermen slaughter
the Dolphins any way
Stick a metal rod close to their
blow hole
and they bleed
internally to death
and we know where that does lead
others go to Hawaii and Sea World
likes to buy
those stolen from the ocean
the blood bath it is high
the Yanks are now supporting this
holocaust of death
with their bloody dollars
they steal the dolphins breath
Ric O Barry and his mates
feel sick about the way
Japan conducts its self there
it makes the Dolphins pay
the agony they are feeling is obvious
to see
its torture at the highest level
and thus should never be
I have spoken to many Japanese
in Nagoya and Kobe
and nobody ever sees the meat
whatever Taiji say
the Japanese dont want to eat
the Dolphin so I hear
so where the hell is it going to
it really isn’t clear
some say its wrongly labelled
and supermarkets say
they sell it as whale they think
clearly though we pay
lip service
on one hand
and support them on the other
buying pretty Dolphins to exhibit
is another
sinful act we play out
for we ought to stop and see
that keeping them in tanks
is as bad as it could be
of course its really terrible
to murder living souls
by torturing with clanging pipes
exerting our controls,
injuring a dolphin
knowing the way they feel
revealing their caring quality
and because they do reveal
this lovingness towards each other
so the Japanese
reward them with more maiming
and their deaths which doesn’t please
me and many others
it shows the baseness there
its ill advised to do this
to be so unaware
of the spiritual nature
and the pitiful state
that dolphins feel
and take advantage of that
quality is very real
its tantamount to ugly
its makes me very sad
it makes me sick to contemplate
just how bloody mad
it does make me and the Taiji
fishermen clearly are artful and they
prove just how sadistic they are
along the way
but the Directors of Sea world
and these other awful sites
creating dolphin heaven
with all their flashing lights
making Orca’s and Dolphins
jump through hoops of fire
and live their lives in concrete tanks
in a soup which is so dire
no interaction with the wild
just dead fish menu, they
cannot dive to vast new depths
for that they have to pay
a life there as a prisoner
of nasty unthinking group
of humans that are selfish
making them swim in their own poop
Taiji is a tiny port
a whaling town of note
the wailing of the wind and victims
catches in my throat
the Pacific ocean
runs red with innocent blood
and gore
and so few still eat Dolphin meat
so what the hell’s it for
loss of face
whats it about
why the killing why
besides they are packed with mercury
Minimata, I sigh
the average Taiji person
has 6 times more mercury
in their blood already
so its a madness actually