Science (involving experimentation is uncalled for California)

Science sees itself as some
great entity
a great cloak that can cover up
our sin
the Japanese have used it
when they are slaughtering the Whales
but we all use it
and its wearing thin
In Davis California
the university
experiments on animals
creates adversity
for all of them
they all are sentient creatures
after all
each one has its feelings
whether big or small

mice or pig or primate
each knows and suffers pain
just because we can’t feel that
to do it again and again
to them is hardly science
it smacks at being cruel
egregious torture
drives them up the wall
and we know we can see
their misery
their anguish at the way
we taunt them and we torture
them and really make them pay
a heavy price for being
voiceless in that sense
but if would would only
listen with our eyes
and through that dense
maze of dire confusion
isolate the cause
that terrible agitation
might we momentarily pause
or not see their discomfort
their displeasure their concern
and treat them to more agony
even that we burn
and cause some ulceration
science has to see
whatever we do to animals
if its wrong
then it shouldnt be

antiquated laws to me
mean nothing they impart
a curtain really on what we do
the basis is our heart
our human being status
our so called sentient soul
surely must preclude us
from taking the monster role
to arbitrarily gesture
a specific point of view
and hide behind a cloak of death
for me is not being true

researchers have to come to terms
with what it is that they must learn
torturing animals for whatever reason
must concern
everybody doing it
whatever professors say
if they are who we follow
then provided that their way
is without the need to slaughter
another living soul
from another species
who takes another role

we must search our own souls
and decide what we would do
and refuse to kill and torture
that now is my view
the university research staff
have to make a stand
we outsiders believe we are right
and right across the land
must not submit to indoctrination
whatever their station, they
cannot expect our help
in torture or slaughter any day

and so we say to those people
science need not be
the whipping boy for torturers
it does not have to be
there are other ways to study
to kill to hurt to maim
is not one of them.its not ever
part of the big game

so stop it
tell the researchers this is not for me
I came hear to study
not kill animals I see
their truly sentient nature
their pain also I feel
it has to stop and stop right now
there that is my appeal.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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