Polar scape painted on the zoo wall enclosure (man fools himself but never the wild one he just looks and laments

The picture here it tells it all
The Polar Bear is up the wall
he knows how man
completely cocked it up
with selfish greed
his place of birth
had wondrous worth
till man drilled for oil
making his own blood boil

looking at a picture in the concrete
jungle where
Now he has to live his life
in polluted air
a zoo a virtual calamity
a commercial hell hole where
wild souls live in misery
with nothing more to share

than painted mountains
painted snow
sculptured oceans
yes we know
man unkind is a greedy sod
who failed because
he thought he was God

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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