To go behind the scenes
is reaching back into a void
Cows are so exploited
its true on celluloid
most would not be watching
they prefer to look away
but this means it keeps happening
and its growing everyday
as mothers you know the feeling
the joy and it is joy
that feeling of euphoria
that you can employ
thinking about the baby
you brought into the world
how the seed was sprung
and you among
the catalysts were hurled
and you nurtured and you cared for
not so the poor young cow
the calf was taken straight away
you might say oh No! how
its easy if you drink milk
the calf is obsolete
it cannot get nutrition
for there is nothing to eat
and so depending on its sex
will determine its future course
if its a female
probably a veal calf
chained and hoarse
to all thats happening around her
fed on slops and left
so her muscles will all atrophy
and she will be bereft
her legs will be like jelly
wobbling about
that’s the sadness that we see
of that there’s little doubt
if he’s male the death sentence
is passed maybe for cheese
initially of pet food
anyway the seize
the reason to just send him
off to the slaughterhouse where he
will get a swift knife across his throat
that’s how it has to be
a baby, he’s a baby
he was loved by his mama
but no one will pay to keep him
he is nobody’s star
his mother is given chemicals
to produce, more and more
so the dairy makes a killing
oh yea! they are very sure
profit is the key word
life for babies, no
it doesn’t get a look in
its all part of the show
and cow they get de horned
the pain of burning cuts then to
the core and never painkillers
that costs so very few
employ a vet or any drugs
explicit in that regard
no matter how much pain
the cow suffers however hard
the tail is docked
with a rubber band
its torture yea first class
again not a hint of painkiller
the dairy is the arse
they know just how to torture
a mother that’s for sure
she’s raped and will have another
in her lifetime possibly 4
cow s live up to 30 years
but she’ll be lucky if she
makes it passed her 4th
by then she’s spent
she’ll be
lame and for the chop
and to the slaughterhouse
she’ll go
a slashed throat
and trachea
her time came fast
we know
and so it goes on
day in day out
rape kidnap and death
the dairy is a cruel path
for the cows
yea catch your breath
you can’t believe the words
I write I know its hard but its true
one way you can improve their lot
stop drinking milk will you?