I am a Labrador Pit Bull Cross I need your help badly

Susan is helping me from Broken Paws she is such a sweetie one of those special angels

I’m a Labrador Pit Bull
I have pretty eyes
I am down to die
come on you guys!
Don’t let it happen
languishing here
I need a home fast
please will you appear
will you make the effort
I won’t let you down
I’ve had lots of puppies
and lived in a town
I’ve lived in the countryside
and in a flat
so anywhere you live
I’d really love that
I’m happy to be alive
and gentle and I
love walking out
with a real handsome guy
I so need a home now
the shelter has said
if one doesn’t come soon
then I may end up dead
I so don’t want to die
I so don’t want to go
I so love my life
which I want you to know
I wont walk in the mud
I wont pull on my lead
please come and see me
help me to succeed


About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to I am a Labrador Pit Bull Cross I need your help badly

  1. susan lane says:

    <3 …. awesome Rex … I thank you so much for what you do for the animals and for Broken Paws …. I find it so amazing that you found our page. I know we do international, the South Africa in our name was actually a terrible misnomer … my fault … 100% to blame for that. We did post a question to people … close the page and restart without South Africa as part of the name, but the general opinion was – "Leave it, it works". We thank you Rex, for your awesome support. BROKEN PAWS SOUTH AFRICA truly loves you 🙂 ((Susan))

    • Rex Tyler says:

      Dear Susan it is with such pleasure that I write for you to support you my dear friend Claudia told me about you and she instructed me to write when I can for you it was all down to her she tell ms what to do and gets the contacts for me most of the time.

      I so enjoyed talking to you last night I am sorry for your woes but you are a positive and sweet soul and the animals are so fortunate that you are so on their side. Its a joy to be able to call you my friend thanks for your positive comments

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