Live exports is an anomaly
its a sinful act of cruelty
by passing the British Law
with illegal veal crates to the fore
transporting them so tightly packed
their hearts give out
and that’s a fact
shipped across the channel
through the stormy swell
the farmers who exchange
their contracts do so
in a kind of Hell
the animals mere chattels
profit is their reward
they will all be tortured
and will perish on the sword
thats only if they are lucky
they are babies and they tend to be
suffering excruciating stress
shipped off by sea
they end up in some abattoir
their throats cut ear to ear
drowning in their precious blood
and bellowing in fear
and the farmers think they are clever
they think that what they do
is sentient let me tell them
that just isn’t true
oh yes they get their money
and go back to their farm
but the animals are stressed as hell
and far away from calm
oy yes they get their money
and the docks they get their dues
but the animals get so stressed out
for them its awful news
bruised and battered singled out
some no doubt will get a clout
on the other side we see
more stress and pressure
on the quay
live exports are an anomaly
just pure and unadulterated cruelty
This is heart breaking to read. The farmers should be ashamed of themselves sending the poor calves in packed crates and then being killed in such a barbaric way. We seem to be going backwards in time and i fear for this world. I really hope for this evil trade to stop right now. I can only feel love and compassion for these dear animals
It is heartbreaking and we are going backwards but surely we can turn it around by our constant vigilance and care
I write every day on my blog about a whole tranche of animal related problems, and also speak as a Toastmaster on animal, issues
we can all make a difference, thanks for your comments my blog is very active and I send poems worldwide to embassies, Governments airlines
activists everywhere I feel they may help