What is is it all about and where are they going(with our food)

Corporates now are creating
new ways
to cheapen, their larceny
its some malaise
its almost embezzlement
from our ideals
of basic nutrition
and predacious reveals
and their foray in chemicals
pillage and throw
us off the true scent
for they know how to sow
as to whether they reap
that’s another idea
in reality disease
and a whole lot of fear

fast food is loaded with
all sorts of stuff
non food creeps into the
list and its tough
GM is coming fast
Monsatan’s there
with its nutrient rice
or its Round up despair
the animals get all the shit
in the world
green grass is a thing of the past
they are hurled
into the future on cardboard
and grime
and soya where rainforests in Brazil once
did climb
but now are all gone
so that soya can grow
and feed the worlds ungulates
as we well know

Palm oil and Canola
we really guess
when the virgin rainforests
provided so much
for clearly as people
we are now out of touch
with reality feeding ourselves
on this crap
obesity follows
and we’re in their trap
Morgellans fibres
fluoride and more
silicon nano tech
nobody’s sure
what’s in our food
and why we’re being used
as guinea pigs
for like them we are abused

and the price of whatever
its so high today
its run by the corporate
farmers who play
into the hands of the corporate few
who take us apart and bloody well screw
the life out of processes
animals they
are raped and their tortured and murdered
each day
more and more get it
compassion goodbye
wiped out of their dictionaries
now they all lie

they wont even say
if there GM inside
look at them
honesty this is denied
they know the agenda
to reduce the number
kill more of us off
whilst they now slumber
dead to the world dumbed into refrain
ready to wake up and enjoy the pain

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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