Canned hunts of Black Bears in Canada

To be fair
all these faces
many look strained
all these precious Bears
their life forces drained
from them
many of them
marauders like these
canned hunting morons
who hide in the trees

lay baits and wait
to ambush and try
to torture and on this vile
practice get high
they pay through the nose
to a vampirish creep
who provides the where for all
and who is deep

in the mire of confusion
also selling his soul
for the dollars he earns
and feels are his goal
the Black Bears
have died
in what was easy meat
they had no where to run
they were penned in
and beat

in hell man will burn
to a crisp that’s for sure
a factor none of them dare
to ignore
bullets and arrows
the weaponry used
spreading the fear
they become the abused
too now that is clear

guns ammunition
the canned hunting crowd
everyone suffers
no one is proud
of themselves in the end
they are sick from it all
and the message they send
to their loved ones
on call

is negative their faces show
sadness and ugliness
which is going to grow
the bears they were sacrificed
that was the shame
everyone there
must take up the blame
that party of men
will suffer inside
they are cruel every fool
who has not denied

what they did what they do
will remain
all life through

I feel for the Bears
I feel for them so
paraded about
in the death throw
lost to the world
tragically killed
so a few lousy trolls
feel they were fulfilled

what a waste of creation
such intricate souls
cut down in a hail
by the out of controls

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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