Badgers and more badgers

Lord Krebs has told us vaccinations was
the way to go
The RSPCA said that as well
and they ought to know
But Cameron and the Dairy Farmers
past masters on spin
they said it was the badgers fault
and of course yea they did win
and already the badgers are dying
shot between the eyes
one just found near Coventry
now we realise
anyone who wants to kill
and has a gun they will
get out there a shoot a way
and hope to bloody kill
a badger black and white they are
furry got 4 legs
they live in setts
whose taking bets
the low life and the dregs
of humanity will be on call
to shoot them we know that
and of course they are all innocent
do they know, where they are at

The farmers must be happy
they got what they asked for
I think what we should do for them
is boycott them for sure
stop drinking cows milk
and cows cream
and cheese and all the stuff
lets them eat the stuff themselves
we have had enough

possibly it might mean
the calves could have a drop
in stead of getting murdered
perhaps those deaths might stop
hearing the mothers crying
when their babies are torn away
is enough to put the wind up
all the badgers I would say

Its hard to see the sun shine
and know the badgers will
be coming out tonight sometime
and of course someone will kill
them they don’t know the reason
but its the law we hear
and licensed shooters are about
so I suppose we should stay clear

but will we wont we shall we
do we we might go and see
get our maps out and our torches
and see if we can be
a proper bloody nuisance
looking at the stars
taking pictures of the moon
or trying to find Mars

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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