excuses they have many of them
the government feels it is right
they’ve sided with the farmers
and condemned the badgers
for me they are wrong
day is night
tonight as the moon lifts
its presence
and peers from the clouds
we shall hear
Badgers come scuffling out of their
to be shot that’s a whole lot
of fear
fathers will lose wives this evening
children may lose both and they
may perish inside their homes sadly
farmers are losing their way
tied to the corporate counter
no where to go but to blame.
anything other than what they are told
for that is the name of the game
the badgers are innocent bystanders here
lost in the forest tonight
the government hasn’t a clue what its doing
it just tell itself that its right
death and destruction is coming
to a sett near us all it appears
the government will waste a whole lot of money
and there will be so many tears
time is the healer Time is the judge
how it will pan out
whose going to budge
who will say they were wrong
who has the strength
and how many badgers die
the breadth and length
of our lovely country
we shall have to see
we shall have to bury
all those with TB
the cattle are lowing
whose baby awakes
not the little lord jesus
but the badgers the rakes
are going to feel it
they are going to die
and no one’s the wiser
which just makes me cry
I feel the tears coming
salty and wet
making my eyes smart
what a great debt
we pay to the badgers
their sacrifice will
prove something but who cares
who picks up the bill
it happened before
and we agreed that their pain
was a total disaster
but we do it again
we just do not learn
from mistakes we have made
as our hair grows more silver
our memories fade