If you had my snout
there would be no doubt
you then would appreciate
my power
I can smell from a distance
my smell has a memory
intricate cells show me how
yes I have 4 legs
and grunt, but then I
am able to think
just like any guy
I can love
I can taste
I have thoughts
good and bad
I have dreams
and the woods
are my home
and I’m sad
to be put in a shed
of concrete and stone
with so many others
who cry and who moan
at their loss of pure habitat
and the fresh air
and sun on our backs
which we don’t get in there
the sheds full of excrement
no place to dump
we have our own toilets
outside and we thump
in those spots collectively
not in our bed
we get no respect from you
and we are led
to believe you don’t have any
for torture now seems
to be the one quality
and there are teams
of workers just ready
to torture and bleed
our babies our sows
where does it all lead
to the abattoir
thats where we witness
true pain
we watch each other
with nothing to gain
we suffer in silence
and die at the hands
of those evil bastards
those evil bands
of men with their knives
who slash at us as
we hang upside down
its no razzmatazz
its the darkest of evil
played out in slow motion
man’s slight of hand
and rabid devotion