These Hunters and these Trapper’s
who go out into the forest
catching their wild game
to bring it back and eat it they
had best remember
corporations don’t do what they tell you
these days they dump stuff anywhere
and yea it just might lay
dioxins,PCB’s and radiation
pesticides and fracking water too
then it drains into our precious rivers
soaks onto the land
this toxic stew
and gets into the wild folk
who live where they are born
no analysis before they eat it
nothing there to warn
anyone, its now out there
in the wild one’s and we see
in their livers and their kidneys
and their blood and hair it be
it can be badly contaminated
there’s a cocktail
to be found
so hunters best watch what you eat
what comes out of the ground
might not be what you expected
there’s a time bomb ticking there
so you go out seeking wild meat
and come back with despair
carcinogenic chemicals
humanities landfills
flame retardents
endocrine disrupters
and oil spills
radio active compounds
heavy metals they
and now there’s fracking water
that is beng poured away
and whose around to
sample it
the wild one’s
day and night
so Hunters you best analyse
your wild meet
for the light
is out there
shining down on you
at last you may just find
the heavily laden animals meats
might more than blow your mind
we know the CAFO crap is bad
its processed through the mill
we know its pretty awful
but unlikely to have spill
unlikely to be polluted like the
wild meats that we know
are suffering from the vagaries
of the corporate ebb and flow
So Hunters and you trappers
that spit roast in the field
be ware the ides of march my friends
for the bloody meat might yield
more than you expected
I mean you never know
those animals are suffering
and more so as they grow
their livers store such toxins
their fat and muscle meat
might taste good on the barbie
but might not be the treat
you’d hoped for
so I’m saying hunters
best don’t hunt
leave the wild life well alone
let them take the brunt