Psychic Sculptress

My Psychic Sculptress
has sofly hewn
the sinew with her
silky soul
sensing subtle changes
in her catalytic role
a ferment from a Paradise
that she creates, for she
is an avatar whose presence
has been so heartfelt for me
each sweet affirmation
brought ardour to the fore
I felt my whole world changing
and I loved it more and more
so seemingly unmoving
a covert in a dense
forest where my existence
really made no sense
and then a billowing presence
centred on a theme
the magician had been sleeping
many aeons it would seem
and somehow was awoken
in the blinking of an eye
with the sweetness of her lips
she quietly did apply
her aura as resplendent
as any ever seen
the sweetest emanation
that ever there had been
and he stood up so proudly
and touched her heart with his
he clasped her soft sweet elegance
realizing that it is
life itself and expectation
drawn down from the skies
a soul created aura
that poured out from her eyes
he felt his body changing
his mind intense though pure
his attitude his fortitude
his blatant overture
the spirit flame within him
burst forth and he was whole
a little avid tinkering
and he would reach his goal
the afterlife released him
he felt the joy of spring
the Astral plan was looming
he knew that he would sing
the ultimate expression
burst forth and so he knew
and quietly was awoken
by the sculptress of course, you
awoken to the energy
a manifestation she
took him through the realms
of light
he saw things accurately
focusing his consciousness
a magical spirit, he
rose into a silver cloud
where with her he could see
and feel, the real, the meaning
of life and all its worth
the rite of dedication
so as to observe his own re birth

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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