Despite the public outcry
despite undoubted pain
despite the vilest torture
and up to now the vain
attempts to appeal to one shop
whose Piccadilly store
is frequented by so many
who also know the score
but want to sell and eat a product
that’s so obnoxious one must ask
why they just continue
actually to bask
in what is surely torture in a tin
or in a jar
diseased, fatty livers
known, yes as Foie gras
Ducks and Geese
are our victims
and victims they sure are
in these vile torture chambers
these innocent souls we scar
there’s no rhyme or reason
to inflict such pain
such evil and such agony
for our financial gain
it is, wholly unpleasant
for anyone to say
to ever try to argue
that actually it does pay
it exacerbates the torment
by thrusting metal pipes
down the birds throats daily
for them ongoing gripes
that grip their entire being
their throats too so inflamed
if you have ever had a bad sore throat
that agony left untamed
can drag you into terror
and these birds reach it and
we carry on the violence
which who dares understand
3 or 4 times a day
these pipes are thrust down
aching throats
listen to the cries of mayhem
to their frightened notes
that emanate from torture
from fear from abject pain
but the process of gavage goes on
we have to be insane
to even contemplate this treatment
for we know, we see
their livers swelling day by day
swelling enormously
ten times their normal size in fact
we, induce disease
by torture this is evil
all must realise to please
a few deluded gourmands
we give our souls away
we block our ears to screaming
and cover our eyes
and play
into the hands of the torturers
who do it night and day
there really is no let up
these earthlings take the hit
forced to stand on wired floors
that let their bloodied shit
fall beneath their feet to
create smells they cannot sit
and so they stand and defecate
in areas unlit
and are constantly force fed
until their livers swell
or until they just fall dead
ulceration is no salvation
disillusionment it grows
it does become offensive
to just see rows and rows
of victims squawking loudly
hoping someone will hear
and stop this distasteful
practice and put an end to fear
but adversity continues
the disease progresses fast
day and night they suffer
for each day could be their last
the strong survive the ordeal
the weaker well they die
this is to make a foodstuff
think and feel your eye
there is a tear now forming
its there it ought to be
Foie gras is bloody evil
as sanity must see
margins profit don’t come near
there’s no argument to use
those birds we mistreat to such an extent
to outwardly abuse
a living breathing earthling
as we allow others to do
is beneath us we are as guilty
and must stand in the dock too
and answer to creation
why we stooped so low
why we let this substance drag us
was this a place to go
humanity will look upon the vanquished
and will say
what we created and allowed to happen
we must all regret Today
Brake Brothers have just
realised, they have seen the light
but Fortnum and Mason still hold out
still tell us day is night
their precious customers want to buy it
and they are the stalwart ones
they believe they sell the finest
to the finest, which still stuns
many of us who now know how this stuff is made
we feel for all those victims
on the long foie gras parade
they suffer immense agony
they pass on, murdered by
evil dreadfully deluded souls
who probably can’t cry
who probably are dead themselves
the heart Departments dry
but that’s no reason to continue
to live what is a lie
and so I appeal to this famous store
to reach into its heart
forget the deluded punters
don’t let them impart
their ignorance and arrogance
and try to drive your soul
into the vile abyss
where the devil takes control
Prince Charles has seen the light
it shone so brightly in his eyes
and many other famous souls
also did realise
and then there’s thousands everywhere
who live and see and know
that Foie Gras is the vilest food
and the numbers grow and grow
gavage should be consigned
to far off memory
a regret that we allowed ourselves to fall
into a pit of vipers
and it was not until they bit us
that we woke up to the evil of it all
the time has come
the vipers are amassing
they are angels
helping us and hopeful we will see
the light and realise we still can
get out of this pit
and let the ducks and geese
again be free