More surveillance BBC style

My freedom has been got at
I am, nothing more
than a scientific experiment
For me now, I am sure
it seems the new world order
is also after me
when I leave my cat flap
they too want to see

where I go
and what I do
each secret rendezvous
the privet hedge
the tree house
when I catch a shrew

every place I go to
how is this seen to be
fair or even relevant
when I’ve lost my liberty

The GPS and camera’s
and computers are on my case
honestly I have to say
the rotten human race

can’t keep their noses
out of anything
us earthlings do
and we have our roots in Egypt
our pedigree is true

we don’t need snooping
white coats following us about
our whereabouts all plotted
on TV when we’re out

and when we make our journeys
into other cats back yards
all of this is on TV
and written up by bards

is nothing seen
as sacrosanct
nothing any more
the humans like to film themselves
of that fact we are sure

but watching every move we make
is really off the scale
even when we have a shit
but perhaps we can de rail

their experiments, by colluding
with each other and then we
don’t do what we normally do
go awol and just be

daf’t as brushes all of us
give them what they need
wander here and wander there
really try to lead

them up the proverbial garden path
all their surveillance crews
running around in circles
give them something, to peruse

there’s no excuse for all of this
and our owners, they are too
stupid when it comes to it
for what they want to do

is get the GPS signals
and put them round our necks
we carry little cameras
so when we’re having sex

the world can bloody see us
what’s it all about
they are a bunch of perverts
for us there is no doubt

seemingly its costing
a lot of money and
what is it really all about
I do not understand

the plotting and the mapping
and the so called work they do
whose stomping up the money
look how many crew

are on the set
technicians none now work
for free
they are getting paid for this
a fair old salary

maybe as pet cats we ought
to riot and say, we
are going to be feral cats
all of us can be

out of all this pet stuff
these cans of fancy crap
perhaps we should get out more
not sit on someone’s lap

when the shit hits the fan in fact
we now know what they do
they can’t wait to fit the GPS
around our necks and view

our intimate occasions
what we do at night
where we go and why we know
that this lot
can’t be right

its called a big experiment
but actually we know
its the flipping new world order
and so we’re going to go

through the cat flap
one more time and meet up in a wood
join up with the feral crowd
I think it will be good

our instincts will kick in
and stronger we shall get
no more GPS surveillance
but we will not let

on, what we are planning
we will come back each day
until we have some confidence
and then we will go away

let them think whatever
they think
which is not a lot
we will all go back to Egypt
and be feral
for we have got

so much strength in numbers
toughened up again
not wrapped around some electric fire
but out in the wind and rain

holed up in some rocky cave
or in some compost heap
anywhere away from them
where we all can sleep

GPS suveillance
up yours Mr Man
we are into freedom
wildness is the plan

not slaves in some matrix
photographed each day
paw printed flipping micro chipped
for us that is your way

and we are getting out of it
we don’t need you, we
are feral cats we’re bold we hold
positions and we be

wild and truly ready
to go back to our roots
to take our chance
in the wilderness
where everything computes

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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