Lyall Watson knew pigs for what they really are

Pigs are as intelligent
as children
with wild instinctive
knowledge which is why
to house them in such dark
depraved depressing CAFO
concrete cells and gestation crates
forces me to sigh
to feel their inner sadness
which is paramount
they have strong caring hearts
that love to be
closer to each other
playing in the sun
rooting in the woods
to just be free

to be themselves
they are socially so active
they may not be Brad PIGS
BUT LOVE runs deep
consuming them as many do
and making them sleep in their loo
really and truthfully makes their
poor flesh creep

they pay a high price
for involvement with the
Man un Kind brigade
with the farmers and the butchers
and the slaughterhouse parade
with the TV chef’s and bacon
chomping leg of pork and apple sauce
suckling pigs chop chewers
yes all these of course

they are very clean
they cannot sweat
so mud is their desire
it cools them down
and saves their skin
from the cancer
via sun fire

they are closer to us really
than many might admit
they can play all sorts of games
and share their brand of wit
they communicate and identify
faces every day
and with inner peace
they can release
their feelings so to say

but we are their abusers
and there’s little to discuss
what we must do is love them
not give them so much fuss
not breed them in our dark satanic mills
our dank wet holes
let them root in forests
for pigs are lovely souls

and read Lyall Watsons the Whole Hog
ISBN 1-86197-9 it will change your life

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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