Tear stained faces
lost souls tagged and ready
staring through the bars
those prison bars
far removed from the green fields
of emotion
and the moonlight and the
twinkle of the stars
frustrated by the concrete
and the hardness
the wretchedness surrounding
all they do
its hard to stand here
devoid of all vision
and know the world
is not thinking of you
except to maintain costs
and make their profit
you are now a commodity
no more
a consciousness the apathy apparent
for soon you will
be knocking at death’s door
not because your old
or sick
the reason your young and virile
and your meat will be
ideal for the superstore
that chose you
that’s in fact to be your destiny
eaten by the very folk
who raise you
who didn’t see you
as a soul at all
they fed you out of necessity
it wasn’t out of care
nobody now loves you
love! no love is rare
and so the realization
of the moment
the sights the sounds
the bars
that’s all that’s left
soon you will be trucked
off to the slaughterhouse
you feel so sad and unwanted
and bereft
of everything you aspired to
those hopes that kind of all built up inside
a caring sharing loving
all those qualities
that now of course
you have to try and hide
those feelings
as a voiceless earthling
you have no say
what happens happens
that’s your lot
soon will come the day
when the truck arrives
and you peer out through
those gaps and see the light
feel the motion
and the devotion
yes however slight
and let the tears
flow quietly
know that soon you will be
hanging by your rear leg
with your life’s blood
gushing free
as your eyes bulge
and your veins swell
and your heart beats
extra fast
and the man in white
looks up at you
you know your dye
he’s cast
human unkind
was everywhere
each one of them you saw
had eaten your ancestors
you knew that
you were sure
their children might have
patted you
but you saw in their eyes
that very soon they
would eat you
so it was not a surprise
tears now stain our faces
for humility has died
human beings seem aloof
many have just lied
to themselves and that is powerful
and its tearful and its sad
the rainbow bridge now beckons
and I hope I meet my dad
I never ever knew him
nor my dear mother she
and I were split up
the first day
and so it was for me
an inkling of this human world
devoid of love and care
I cry tears sure I cry today
for you who are unaware