a land of mountains
spiritually complete
and the festival
an abomination
that might just unseat
every animal lover
around this globe today
even the worst of devils
wouldn’t make
those poor souls pay
with their lives its so churlish
regret is how I feel
its so terribly wasteful
and never could appeal
5 million people participate
its their festival of worth
most are the Madheshi
over from the earth
from Utter Pradesh and Bihar
where killing animals is banned
so they come to this great festival
and somehow understand
sacrificing animals to the Hindu Goddess will
end evil and bring prosperity
and that is why they kill
Goats, White Mice and pigeons
roosters ducks and swine
Buffaloes its more than 2o,ooo in one day
all these souls their heads are on the line
their makers here
their blood will form a river
in which the vilest fear
will rise and fall
its shattering
the sacrifice of some
in the name of religion
it leaves me feeling numb