Full inversion slaughter boxes
really sicken me
Israel and those countries
now using them you be
lacking in compassion
that, I have to say
the fear, the pain, the totally
unnecessary woe
they pay
a price too high
as ungulates
as simple calm sweet souls
who have no dark thoughts ever
far removed and poles
apart from human un kind
who design and make these machines
these terrible contraptions
just to vent their spleens
the slaughter is egregious
the agony is there
the thrashing about
the bulging eyes
the meanness of despair
the horror of the moment
its hard to watch each breath
clearly very laboured
until of course their death
which just doesn’t, come easy
survival instincts are
strong when life is ebbing
that’s when the angels star
that’s when the fight to live becomes
the last thing they can do
and we see the obvious terror
it obviously comes through
prostration and such wretchedness
its all in the design
ungulates are stressed out of their minds
and down the line
we see and feel the cruelty
and agonising pain
as the knife is drawn
across their throats
and their eyes bulge
and they drain
their blood pumps out
their life force
is there for all to see
its insane to treat an animal
in such dire depravity
it leaves me broken hearted
and mortified to see
I really cannot bear this
why has it to be?
what is wrong with people
why are they, so inhumane
what is there about the animals
that we must make them feel such pain
and we are told to write
to farmers groups
and be calm and polite
well I
for one cannot be calm
from what I see, isn’t right
its a blight against humanity
and farmers have to know
they have to be responsible
their weight they have to throw
into the ring with activists
and others who believe
live exports really should be banned
that way we can achieve
what all of us are wanting
animal stress kept low
the torture and the fear
we see and hear it just must go
its intolerable behaviour
to put cows through this, and
to be anything but angry
that you lot don’t understand
is treating this too lightly
we have to fight their cause
each time a box is used to kill an animals
to pause
one moment longer really
causes agony and pain
and to know its happening every hour
then it becomes so plain
we have to push this daily
we have to get it through
we have to save these innocents
we owe it to them we do
how can we sleep
how can we rest
how can we look away
it just is not becoming of us
as in our beds we lay
knowing the calves are suffering
and their mothers dying too
in a bloody torture chamber
which you all know now is true
so please get off your asses
open up your hearts
ring your MP write those letters
this is how it starts
tell your friends
tell the butcher
go vegan right a way
do anything that you can do
except look the other way