The Indian Dairy Industry

The Indian Dairy Industry
produces vast amounts
far more than America
and China
it accounts

for millions of tonnes
per annum
its vast, this industry
but the animals within it
face the starkest misery

India is very hot
and flies are everywhere
for cows to give milk all the time
clearly they must share
their bodies with
insemination techniques
they wouldn’t be made pregnant
and couldn’t realise

the potential
so these barefoot people
come and do their stuff
filthy dirty handlers
vile and very rough
push their fists into
a cows vagina
and that pain
is repeated and repeated
time and time again

those cows bleed
and they scream out
but nothings done at all
clearly they are beside themselves
they are going up the wall
but no body takes notice
they carry on all day
cows lactate and are pregnant
its has to be the way

chained up by their necks
which cause really running sores
with all that heat
and clouds of flies
it breaks all the laws

of strength and awesome fortitude
that these souls manage through
standing in their own shit
and laying in it too
no one comes to clean them
no one really cares
they are only milk machines
and confinement often tears

their skin and so wounds
do become infected and are sore
their udders do get damaged
and often are red raw
the pain of putting sucking devices
as they do
sucking on these red raw wounds
so pus is sucked in too

the milk it must be awful
those cows in abject pain
and this a daily exercise
all that gloom and strain
and nothings ever sterilized
no anaesthetics used
these cows are being tortured
and regularly abused

its part of their existence
it has to be the way
there are no staff available
to clean their shit away
new born lay dead rotting
you can’t imagine how
an industry can carry on
with no love for the cow

caws are lame
chained by the neck
they cannot move at all
they cannot scratch
the cannot sit
this really does appal
anyone that witnesses
the bedlam that is here
the illegal use of oxytocin
black market use is clear

stomach cramps get so severe
again the cows just cry
they bellow through it
hoping I suppose if they could die
and just forget their lives on earth
for clearly what we do
is present to them
a life of hell
a vile encrusted view

when they are finished milking
they are tossed out on the street
to fend off cars and lorries
others will compete
on the death march to another
state where cows can then be killed
roped together through their noses
and again their blood is spilled

in the vilest slaughterhouses
dirty and forlorn
their throats are hacked with the bluntest knives
not fed at all
why born?
for this is ramped up horror
just blood and guts and gore
this is the vilest industry
that no one’s seen before

chilli peppers rubbed in their eyes
to make them walk all day
animals are subjected to
the ugliest display
of cruelty imaginable
one wonders why they won’t
sink upon their wretched knees
but many truly don’t

they seem to know their fate
and they go quietly to their death
everywhere is toxic
even their rancid breath
manhandled off of vehicles
many broken bones
to hear their cries
their mutterings
their haunting moans and groans

that cut into the psyche
that grab the spirit and
never leave the memory
could we start to understand
what they must feel about us
their feelings must be strong
docility their facility
but to me, we are so wrong

these are sentient wondrous beings
they can fully comprehend
but they do not get a look in
a pat, we are no friend
of there’s we are their enemies
they suffer at our hand
all through their lives
its torture
how can they understand

the reason why we do it
the economy of scale
the end user if they saw this
I am certain they’d go pale
and never drink this product
the agony the abuse
the evil and the terror
that is clearly now out loose

conditions are just dreadful
its miraculous to me
that the trade has not
experienced epidemics
and my plea
on behalf of all of them
participants is please
stop taking milk in India
kulfi yogurt and cheese..

for karma must be awesome
waiting in the wings
listening to the tabla
and the sitar for what flings
emotions into top gear
is the spiritual state
but thinking about
milk production
and those creature’s fate
draws in me such horror
recalling what I saw
and its then I sink into their world
of blood and guts and gore

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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