Inhuman this is so inhuman
as to say, it shocks
its so sadistic so egregious
in them it just unlocks
such truculency
such spitefulness
the worst intentions
show the world a viciousness
that may never go
first up the bulls are starved
for days
and not given water, they
are dehydrated and angry
and frustrated, and they pay
they are of course the victims
but are treated badly and
then let out amongst the crowds
who dares understand
the logic
the decision to run them
through a crowd
of women dancing in the street
no one is empowered
its clear that bull is fighting for
its life
amidst the cold
light of day humanity
in al the filth is rolled
a malignancy of spirit
as the bull charges everywhere
tossing people on its horns
endeavouring to share
its anguish with whoever
gets in its angry way
to toss them and to gore them
and to just make them all pay
the blood thirstiness
its apparent
the barbarism too
pouring gasoline upon their backs
and igniting it
the view
totally beyond all thoughts
persecuted why?
a virulence and a gloating
hopeful that bull will die
but bulls are tough
and angry bulls are even tougher too
and a women caught between
the clear frustration
caught it true
her rucksack tangled around
its horns
and he bore down on her hard
ripped her clothes to smithereens
clearly left her scarred
ferocity so commonplace
and sadism is too
some bulls have their legs cut off
but are still alive, a view
of just how that must so create
such agony and pain
the futility of experiencing
such horror
must just drain
any living creature
any sentient soul
let alone a brave half starved Bull
now out of control
being screamed at
being dared to toss
the public who
are running every which way
as crowds of youngsters do
taunting a brave animal
whose loss of blood and sweat
is coming to a climax
hasn’t it paid its debt
they are grim faced
throwing bottles
drunken hordes of louts
they rankle and they fester
and draw in me such doubts
about what is humanity
a festival of sorts
a diabolical diatribe
in the vilest and darkest thoughts
and the state allows them free reign
Brazil what have you done
allowed these evil doers to
get drunk under the sun
the relentlessness and the cruelty
from drunken hordes we see
the basest lowest ruthless mob
that there could ever be
and the bull is by this time livid
beside himself with pain
vengeful unappeasable
under all this strain
hot pepper is rubbed
into their eyes
swords stuck in them they
are taunted and are murdered
in the most inhuman way
its crushing to the spirit
it shocks internally
I just cannot forget
the sheer frustration
that I see
before me in those crowded places
where the Bulls do run
how they gore abd bore down
on the people who try and run
tossed like puppets in the sir
and run over with the weight
hospitalisation is no salvation
caused through one’s vilest trait
Brazil and Santa Catarina
best think now long and hard
the world is watching what you do
so now be on your guard
ban this vile exposition
its brings your country to
the lowest denominator
there sirs that’s my view