Exporting live goats to Malaysia for slaughter

I am fast losing respect for this whole
Live Exports are a misnomer, for clearly they
assume that regulations are adhered to
when its very obvious there is no way
animals should ever be transported
and manhandled as to do this is so wrong
Goats are independent loving creatures
they think through all scenario’s
and their will is very strong
so very soon they feel they are abandoned
their deep gut wrenching cries
are to this end
what ever Mr Ludwig thinks of the 99%
the cries around the world
are set to send
him and all his government
to bed at night realising dreams
were mean’t to be
but what we see is really very obvious
nightmares and they are coming
you cannot be dismissive of animal cruelty
people who care will just not stand to see
this trade exposes torture of such a blatant
its insensitive therefore to disagree
I cannot for the life of me
how farmers have the gall to
run this trade
to send their charges far away to slaughter
and refuse to hear the alarm bells being laid
I have written about the Middle East
and Pakistan
they showed clearly why this trade is wrong
and Goats now to Malaysia
picked up off the docks and thrown in sacks
and car boots where none of them belong
this is not the way to treat an animal
that’s just been shipped so far across the sea
its very clear to them they will be slaughtered
at home somewhere who knows where that will be
what regulations therefore for the killings
those animals are sensitive, they know
we cannot wash our hands of what is happening
we all reap, whatever we now sow
prostrate in a car boot half in half out of a sack
transported in the hot sun
clearly they do lack
common decency as much as heart felt thoughts
for they
are intelligent enough to know
life is slipping away
they are going to be slaughtered
the fear will grow and grow
these animals are Australian
but you do not want to know
this isn’t how you do it
I don’t care who you are
if you deal in live animals
and ship them very far
across the sea to cultures
that seemingly appear
not to have the equivalence on welfare
as we do here
then we are duty bound to make it happen
or tell the market its not on
coming out with choice remarks
sorry Mr Ludwig really Sir
those times now they have gone
animals have rights and you must guarantee
they have a safe passage all the way
seeing them slaughtered on the street
or thrown in car boots in that heat
why on earth should animals have to pay
this price and all this terror to their psyche
what gives you the right to wash your hands
and leave these souls to face the final curtain
with their precious blood collected in tin pans
these golden eyed ruminants need looking after, they
should expect a decent crossing
and some food along the way
no one expects torture
generating fear
I don’t care who or what you are
I know what I hear
and those souls were unhappy
they knew, they are sentient, they
and clearly they are left out there
in the heat of the day
without the right controls
and its your responsibility
to see that how they are treated
is how it ought to be
humanely and correctly
purposefully for they
are going to be slaughtered
and there has to be a way
welfare standards have to be
higher than we saw
Animals Australia and others
they will not ignore
everyone is telling you in no uncertain terms
that where the cameras have been sent
its a great big can of worms
and letting down those animals
and Australia as well
for allowing them
to be shipped across the sea
and into Hell
Is simply not acceptable
and will be exposed, until
Australia sees the error of it ways
and this trade does kill
export of live animals far across the sea
is clearly passed its sell by date
and should now never be

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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