Children and Youth hunting (Trophy and conventional hunting) Broken Paws in South Africa

Safari’s allowing our youth
to be snared
by the hunters
My Goddess nobody’s spared
the great gun fraternity
pushing the
and pushing the guns
supplying the animals, supplying their sons
and daughters alas
I see this and cry
deep in my heart just
wondering why

children and youths want to
eliminate souls
this is no game
this is death and their roles
as assassins is taking
this whole hunting theme
out into what is
a nightmarish dream

will they go on to be trappers, and they
will they then blow all our earthlings away
whats in their parents hearts
what can it be
death is so final
for those running free

for women to follow
their fathers, to me
is dragging them into the abyss
where I see
children now posing
what a worthless place, we
teaching our children to kill

how sick and how sad
a tragedy for
the Natural World
and creation for sure

Its easy to murder
apparently so
for me it would be
an impossible show
but for them it appears
its the thing that you do
its the powerful and strong
that don’t have a clue

take pictures by all means
of animals who
are alive in the forest
that’s what to do
killing them
then taking pictures to me
is the lowest of the low
and is sick tragically

who gives you the right to take
another’s life
they have a family
why create strife
for them, its so selfish
and what for, for fun
sleep on it children
see what you have done

hear the sad cries of the children
who may
perish now mum or dad’s
blown away
this is what’s happening
this is the cost
to the natural world
when another soul’s lost
hunting is causing
distress all around
its not just one dead soul
left on the ground

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts). Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Children and Youth hunting (Trophy and conventional hunting) Broken Paws in South Africa

  1. Susan Lane (Broken Paws South Africa) says:

    Thanx so much …

  2. rex tyler says:

    iits terrible these hunters get their kids roped into these killings i cant understand why the mothers would allow it but i suppose they are getting as bad as the fathers although why i cant make out

    thanks for writing on my blog susan

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