it happened last year
and will happen again
its a hell of sight
all that terrible pain
for those unfortunate dogs
those pitiful strays
stolen from here and there
and caged for days
just look at them fretting
pushed into small cages
thrown off of trucks
with limbs broken
for ages
whining unfed and just hearing
the yells
of the others around
them and those ghastly smells
frantic and fearful
aware of the sights
intimidation and innumerable frights
terror its there in all
of their eyes
they are panic stricken
they just realise
its grisly and grim
and an ominous feel
imagine just staring
where those bars reveal
weird sounds, and oppressive
clatter and death
despondently they
really fight now for breath
clearly there’s hope
but anguish is rife
the butcher from hell
has a very long knife
eyes meet all the time
it looks bad for them all
its ghastly and ghoulish
some of them crawl
on all fours they can’t raise
themselves off the floor
they are ever so weak
and most are unsure
of what is to happen
they shake and they cry
and they whelp and they yelp
at those passers by
hot steaming coppers
heat up the yard
boiling away
for us its so hard
to see what is happening
and realise here
its just kind of normal
no one feels the fear
its matter of fact
it is what they do
but for us it is awful
those dogs their lives through
and they all now witness
each others death
each others pain
each others breath
its just so abnormal
so hard to perceive
you look into their eyes
and you just can’t believe
these loyal sweet young earthlings
will soon be no more
will soon be just boiled up
just joints of gore
China is streets away
from where we are
its true we kill pigs cows chickens
the scar we leave on humanity
is great as well
but seeing pet dogs being killed
its just Hell
to have a great festival
of eating dog meat
and killing the dogs
out there in the street
then hauling them in
and boiling away
in front of the live one’s
those smells take our breath away
its hard not vomit
your eyes water so
you feel sick in the stomach
you just want to go
and cry till your heart aches
helpless you see
them led to their death
fighting hard to get free
but they hook them
and cook them
the fat ad the hair
the gristle
the epistle
is written I share
what I see what I feel
all this terrible woe
it has to be stopped
the world has to know
What sickens me the most is how people all around the world choose not to get involved to STOP this barbaric torture!! It’s too painful, I don’t want to know , lade da (many great people do ge tinvolved, but NOT enough awareness of the sickening torture (along with the moon bears also in China) WTF is wrong with that country???
Furthermore, I’m so pissed off they want dog meat to stimulate their sexually desire- Well aren’t they over populated to begin with? What about Viagra and to cure a hangover- Don’t drink to access!! I honestly believe with all my heart that anyone (I won’t call them human) that can do this torture to an innocent animal (any animal) and the ones that feast on it can all rot in hell!
Dear Lynda
thanks for your comments I agree if more people took it on board this awful scenario could end. Moon Bears and so many more problems
still more and more are helping