Australian live exports to Egypt and anywhere else

The animals welfare’s good they glibly
say, the farming lot
state of the art facilities
what a lot of rot
they ship their lovely animals
far across the sea
they do not care to have a second look
that’s how they be

convinced its heaven on earth
for them
when in fact its worse than Hell
sorry Mr Farmer man
someone’s got to tell
you lot what is happening
the cows can scream all day
but of course it falls on your deaf ears
and of course all that you say

is it has been inspected
the welfare is real fine
everything is hunky dory
yea, right on the line
shipping live souls all that way
is the first wrong that you do
pat them on the arse and say
Goodbye my friends
will you

write and tell how you got on
in the state of the art, where we
are sending you to be slaughtered
to be butchered, to be free
and just let’s see this facility
this slaughterhouse, where they
are going to be butchered
let us peek today

and what we see is awful
its grotesque its straight from Hell
its evil and its wicked
and somehow doesn’t jell
with your remarks
and the industry
rubbing its hands with glee
counting its export dollars
its not quite what we see

the camera doesn’t lie my friends
and what we have seen here
is iniquity,immorality
shamelessness and fear
those animals I will never ever
forget them, never, they
collectively showed so much fear
you can’t take that away

from them, from me, from anyone
who witnesses this scene
and you lot back in Australia
talking through your spleen
state of the art you called it
conscienceless, I say
those reprobates their lewdness
that’s how they make their way

in life, may be, but its not for me
to witness and to feel
that we must let this happen
it is happening for real
this is not some nightmare
some fiction from sick minds
this is bloody happening
the coil of sin unwinds

it’s debauched it’s unforgiving
it’s shameful for those cows
they were screaming, they were frightened
they were pleading through their vows
voiceless, were they voiceless?
to me their pleadings cut
into my very being
there is no excuse, no but

no reason for this evil
no reason none at all
those faces were so innocent
who we sent to the wall
and didn’t they have to suffer
the Egyptian welfare, wow!
state of the art you called it
the state of the heart
of that cow

who tried so hard to get away
forced herself, she knew
Australia had exposed her
to the vilest,and nastiest crew
of men who had ever walked this earth
their tactics drive me to
Hell and back in seconds
what can a pure soul do

feeling these egregious sins
so frustrating for those who
feel the pain it is evident
and suffering as they do
we vegans give our souls for them
and we care for all of you
and all those bloody slaughtermen
caged in that vile despair
and having to do such dirty work
and its very dirty there

then there is culpability
someone has to pay
the piper for this evil
it just must not go away
it happened, its been happening
Lyn White has told you so
Israel, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan
we know

we’ve seen the awful happenings
its not a single case
it is, so damned degrading
it affects the human race
the injustice of the moment
the omission of the facts
the inexcusable rhetoric
and the murderous attacks

those cows went to their death
in abject agony
their fear was there, with no words
I can use
terror they were terrified
and mystified I reckon
to be shipped across the sea
what dreadful news

when it broke by then
the precious earthlings
were butchered and had suffered
and were gone
the light of all creation
that was granted
was spat out and great darkness
fell upon

them, the great facility
the shippers, and the farmers
all the bloody lot of you
who sat back in the comfort of your
and let this trade start up
and continue

we’d all lit enough candles
in the night sky
appealing in a heart felt way
that you
realise that where those live souls
end up was hell on earth
its not something that’s new

but once again your arrogance took over
how easy it is, when it isn’t you
suffering the agony of export
and giving up your life for others who
clearly are not even peeved about it
they tell themselves that it is for the best
Live exports is an excellent money earner
and Australian cattle
are up to the test

well if they are the best
then it is terrible
for the best to have to suffer as they do
to be tested to the point
that they give screams that can be heard
in Heaven and in Hell
for that is true

their blamelessness
such inoffensive beings
so misunderstood
so upright and so sweet
can realise
the disinterest of their charges
that detachment in the final stage
would beat

the strongest and the purest heart
the candour must be tragic
in their soul
when the knife comes in
and almost cuts their heads off
and still they cling to life
for its their role

whoever created us created them too
they had the right to exist
they were still young
their moral strength
must have seemed
the agony which suddenly
had been rung

from them in those very final
when they knew they were left
alone to be
tortured through oblivion
and left to face the agony
that was the look
that all of us could see

Lyn White and all the
animal lovers everywhere
Philip Wollen and those souls
who know
what happens where the walls
are thick with slaughter
where murderous acts
can only really grow

now what is Australia
going to do about it
sit back on its hands
and scratch its nose
think that if it shuts up for a moment
that it will go away
yes I suppose

that is something
politicians imagine
but sadly it will never go away
for what we are and what we do
is sacrosanct
we fight their corner
every single day

so think long and think hard
Australian Government
realise the folly of your ways
tell your bloody farmers
that live exports
was a miserable excursion
and its days

are numbered
there will be no other exports
live exports are impossible and they
will be banned, there are no more excuses
and when it happens
lets rejoice and say

we all saw sense and it was good that we did

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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