Today we parked ourselves
out in the Aldwych
the Indian Embassy was just in sight
Air India reneged on carrying
from the wilds to the laboratories,
the height
of arrogance and a lack of true compassion
to do this to the earthlings, whose distress
is clearly very obvious
and its all done for the money
how many rupees
for all that stress?
and this is why we all dressed
up as Beagles in our suits of white
a doggy face and all
standing there despite the cold
engaging in our doggy talk
about Air India big disgrace
and confirming they should walk
Away now from the airline
and the reason let them know
thus helping Beagles everywhere
and primates who might show
caged in holds and shipped
from here to there and back
I saw the people’s faces
and how their cheeks did drain
when they realised that Air
India was at it still
and told
us now aware
they couldn’t fly
and they would not be sold
there was some dismay
and so it was a good idea
to so support the cause
dressing up as Beagles
with faces and with paws
I was a talking beagle
in dognito I’d become
in English and in Chinese
no need to feel glum
Air India has got to change
its awful attitude
and tell us they will never carry
its crude
to earn a measly dollar
for torture and for pain
denying them their freedom
for some, a measly gain
That is why we stood there
and made the public see
what Air India is doing
and hopefully they will be
telling their friends and more friends
don’t travel by AI
for underneath your seat my dears
the animals, they cry
in cages lost forever
the laboratories to where
Air India will take them
to face abject despair
x just so well said x
thanks Julie you are a lovely positive soul everything you write is always so positive and nice