Air India

To agree and then renege
on decisions made to safeguard
animals which would have been safe
but now are going to pose
great risk and great suffering
on animals now who
would be subject to experiments
because that is what they do

often it is canines
the Beagle a strong breed
who has its legs torn open
so transmitters then can feed
data to wherever and tubes
inserted in
their penises and experimental drugs
and ongoing sin

puppy dogs are regularly
poisoned all force fed
with all manner of chemicals
that’s until they are dead
and for any particular airline
to carry out this freight
really it is beyond belief
for they understand the fate

they are going to be experiments
cut to pieces by
the scalpel wielding
who see to it they die
it might take weeks or even months
in some cases, years
and the animals are subjected to
a myriad of fears

to renege on
what had been agreed
because these universities
clearly had convinced you
on what clearly were absurdities
of safeguarding sweet canines
from extraordinary extradition
to putting them through hell again
to which there’s no remission

you should have been much stronger
and these souls would have been saved
all around the universe
animals rightists raved
another airlines had realised
the blood money that they earned
experiments on the innocent
agreed to have spurned

but Air India seems mercenary
and clearly they should be
awoken to the loss of passengers
that they will see
carrying animals to their death
in the holds beneath our seats
is not the karma we wish to feel
and support just makes us cheats

they must look to their image
in the world at large today
what they’ve done has caused consternation
clearly if you can pay
the piper enough Air India
will renege on any deal
for me, I will never travel
Air India for real

its off, I ‘ll go by an airline
who cares, who thinks, who feels
not one who says they will do something
and then do another
all that that reveals
is dishonesty and a lack of care
for the voiceless canine clan
who will get short shrift
and be tortured and killed
by the sentient man

Air India remember
your passengers have a say
in what you do and what you carry
at the end of the today
reneging on the PETA deal
leaves us full of woe
and when we travel anywhere
by Air India, we won’t go

Your image in the world today
despite your selling spree
causes consternation
that animals blood should be
around you and part of you
I cannot compromise
not when India is able
to assist with the demise

of innocent earthlings

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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