Monsanto and their influence

Creation is spectacular
in every form it leaves
thinking souls in awe of it
and often it achieves
amazing things, great subtlety
and genius, in fact
so to create an abomination for me
does not attract

Those corporation people
they have a weird outlook
they know not of creation
they have to have a look
to grab hold of the tinker
in a vile and torrid way
and deal with some destruction
of real forces which may play

a part in evolution
the solution seems to be
based around a gain o sorts
its this warped sense of thinking that risks
the outcome, they
are almost intoxicated by their
for a day
the evil sighs who realise
that the factor of despair
rewards the warped conceiver
with an infallible kind of prayer
to equal the creation and better
it for they
have that avid state
of arrogance that carves out a new way

rupturing the stomachs of insects
who consume
the corn that is on offer
a mono cultured tomb
that fractures, and that torments, and that
causes vile dark pain
and kills the little victim whose
life seemed all in vain

but what of the effects upon the human
will there be?
repercussions will they manifest
and then could we see
it getting to our stomachs
rupturing, them too
once ingested there’s no hope
in hell for all of you

The terminator agent orange Posilac
Round up Ready keep it steady
whose under attack?
there’s so much confusion
hanging round these days
and its awful for our children
who feel that strong malaise

genetic arrogance for complex
issues can
create many anomalies
and life when it began
clearly had these hurdles to
manoeuvre and with time
got around the problems
sort of made the climb

Monsanto and the rest of them with the
terminator seeds
the Agent Orange
Round up Ready needs
lots of willing purchasers
all around the place
to take up all their offers
with a smile upon their face

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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