Fur, the skin of someone else
who cannot part with it
unless of course you break its neck
or stick a poker up its arse
of hang it on a rusty hook
and strip its fur
and hear it scream like some banshee
that one I think you’ll pass
but that’s the truth
that coat you wear
made of some dead animals hair
you are the reason
why it died
don’t look so flipping mystified
faux fur has its problems
it isn’t cheap to make
there’s a, much better margin
from raccoon dog
they take
another poor hound off the streets
and hang it on a hook
bash it twice over the head
then put it in the book
that it is artificial fur
and charge a higher price
the margin is much higher
and the shipper thinks its nice
now how to tell, it can be done
for shops don’t always know
many really do not care
but this is how you show
when you run your fingers
through it
fake fur tends to be
dense and course
the real fur is soft
and so you see
burn a bit, synthetic
will smell quite plasticky
real fur it will smell like hair
so that’s easy to see
the pin trick is another way
synthetic will be soft
real fur will be harder
hold the animals skin aloft
its best to never buy fur
any fur at all
that trim you find on anoraks
is raccoon dog,one wall
at the place, in China
will be so bloodstained and sick
China exports so much of it
they never miss a trick
so much pain and agony
is associated here
trapped and hunted fur farms you
would never believe the pain
and the suffering these creature
do endure
until they’re slain
the screams are just heart wrenching
gut clenching even they
anyone whose heard those sounds
I promise they won’t pay
for any coat or fur item
just buying in to it
reminds them of the curdling sounds
that almost made them sh**