Depilation (saves hairs in the milk) come on Primrose open your legs

Hair grows everywhere
as human earthlings know,for they
subject themselves to pain sometimes
taking it away
Cows now used for milking have similar
problems and
Udder hair they are aware
So try to understand

Dairy men oh! yea we know
shitty contamination
and odd hairs in their precious milk
are seen as a damnation
The Market uses flame guns
Which are clearly very hot
And if the operative shakes a bit
Then the poor cow what she’s got

Are nasty burns which only churns
Her stomachs for the pain
Is really very horrible
Its can drive a cow insane
Poked between a poor cows legs
Which no one likes a lot
The hairs they sizzle wildly
And clearly she is not

Happy being burned like this
Not happy at all
Depilatory it tragically
Drives her up the wall
For then with foreign matter
Infection can ensue
And then more pus exudes alas
And so it goes into

The milk, no matter it gets mixed
with clean milk after all
But the poor young cow must suffer
and she suffers as a rule
Her life is one of tragedy
of agony all through
Raped each year
restricted of her movements
what to do

Give birth to her baby
and see it stolen, she
Must face maternal agony
and damaged udders do
for eventually her judgement day
a mini Armageddon
When someone breaks her tail
To make her stand for she is head’en

To the last ditch abatoir
as did all her family her Ma and her dearest Ma ma

In this Human world of shite
A cow’s lot has to be
cut short by man’s arrogance
and filled with misery

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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