Astoria The branding of Sealions (No 781 lying in agony in the water nearby)

A sea lion branded
by the fiends we know, as mankind
they work for corporate interests
and of course, remain blind
to why their bosses
tell them to go and torture
beautiful sea creatures
and really this just shows

they are an inhuman group
with shareholders now who
couldn’t care a monkeys
as to what their people do
as long as the pot is full of lovely money
so all of them can get their rightful share
so they can bank their dollars feeling happy
and go on being totally unaware

of a sea lion dying slowly
branded 781
punctured and now bleeding out
this is whats been done
and no one seems to blink an eye
they have murdered this sweet soul
who was born into this habitat
before they took control

Sea Shepherd seems to have been there
and has seen the grotesque fear
that all the living creatures have
that happen to be here
Its all to do with Salmon
but the sea lion has to be
given preference over corporate interests
a greater force decided
Nature’s master plan
a greater force
than anything created
by sick man

think of the vile proposal
of burning them alive
ond causing untold suffering
so that some do not survive
its a step too far for man kind
he is most unkind and cruel
evil sick demented
and really a sad fool

Its clear the soul is wounded
its clear the soul’s in pain
its clear that at this rate of course
its life has been in vain
the corporate now could save it
but the corporate has a mission
it wants to rid the planet
of what it sees as competition

and thats the gist of what all this
is about, alas
and why the earthling children
are being killed en masse
tortured like this sea lion
and left to rot away
money the root of all evil
and proven to be today

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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