From the comfort of my home
near Ashridge Forest
I peer into a world
of mayhem
a little girl stands amongst
a total ruin
with an empty plasma bag
and such despair
her father or her brother
lies quite close to her
prostrate on a sheet
injured and in pain
this poor young soul
does try in vain
to help him
but the trauma
leaps out of this scene
and into our hearts
a war torn scene
is strewn with chaotic mess
bits of this and bits of that
squalor really everywhere
one wonders really
just what could have been
how and when this started
to be a time for panic
and for wondering
how and when this man
will get to be
taken to a place where
he can get some help
until that time
he;s here for all to see
Its just a tiny snapshot
of another world
far away
I really don’t know where
but clearly its a frightening
that the little girl
has clearly had to share
her face tells such a story
her heart must miss a beat
standing there
now at a loss
in what looks like some heat
and raining down adversity
chaos and some more
she a little victim
of what looks like all out war