A plea for all orangutans

It’s so green, you just feel it
Your swallowed up, that buzz!
Insects wander everywhere
And certainly it does
Rapidly get to you
The steamy sensuous heat
That seems to penetrate your every follicle,
You eat
The nuts and fruits you forage for
Upon the litter wet
The slightest movement, leaves you soaked
In a new skin called sweat
The forest, in the canopy
Orangutans are there
Living, gobbling down the durian, that’s everywhere
That luscious sweet inviting tang of heaven
here on earth
Many a western traveller has given it wide berth
Courageous red haired creature’s just pluck the heavy fruit
Armed with vicious pointed spines
And single handedly root
out the creamy segments
Smacking their soft lips
Once upon a time the Great Ape ruled
all flying trips
The green wet mist
Is hanging like a curtain from the sky
The money grabbing care for nothing
loggers mosey by
Taking out the forest
As perilously we sit
Wondering, remembering the great fire has been lit
It burns across our being
It scorches every hair
It runs across the forest floor
And bursts into the air
All sorts of species cooked alive
And we too feel the stress
Each tree that hits the forest floor
Creates just further mess
We love the folk of OFI who give us love and care
Protecting us and helping our young orphans
to prepare
for life without their parents
Its stressful to be sure
A plea for all Orangutan’s
Which please do not ignore

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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