Think oh wise and wonderful humans

a gaggle of sea birds
a choir of distinction
egg laying
soon paying
high prices for
their gift of life
on this now crowded planet
discarded plastic and rubbish
and more

it ends up in their gut
and many are dying
trying to digest
our plastic and oil
it looks like it could
be sort of quite edible
but it does kill them
and turn them to soil

as chicks leave their shell
they enter our hell
the earth overflowing right now
billions and billions of bags
fill up our oceans
tampons and pills
the earth honest folks, it now sags

from the weight
of the flotsum and jetsum
we cram onto coastlines and seas
so many beautiful birds are now dying
their intestines bunged up
if you please

with a vilest assortment
of rubbish
from modern day living to now
every conceivable bottle top
rubber bands, you name it how

can the gaggle of birds
ever realise
can the albatross lost in the sky
can the eagle, the condor
the vulture carry on flying
on high

man has to stop what he’s doing
throwing away vital things
we must not abuse
for if we re- use
imagine a while, what that brings

to the table a far safer
where sea birds and wild souls
can be
able to choose better food in their diets
than the rubbish we toss in the sea

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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