The Whaling debacle in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary

At last the great
who eat their kangaroos
almost to extinction
have manned the whaling crews
and told the Japanese
their scientific nonsense
is nonsence
and their hunting
in a sanctuary
is not, the bees knees

its tantamount
to criminal
going down there to kill
and slaughter
those protected species
and the world won’t see
them spill
blood there
without trying
to stop it going on
“Korea eats dogs
China Cats
Britain cows
Japan eats whales
says Japan
and this now will
and that’s for evermore”
or until every whale and dolphin
is dead and frozen

Australia however said
that travelling
half way across the myriad of oceans
is clearly going to scar
the sweet whaling community
for rapidly we see
the world against this so called
hunt, which is brutality

in Japan now few Japanese
want to eat it, they
are not aware and in many cases
and they have begun to say
its loaded with pollutants
mercury and more
the whales
Japan is on about don’t belong to them
for sure

and hunting in a sanctuary has to stop
for they
are stealing from the environment
and that is wrong today

America on the other hand
has tossed its soul away
siding with the Japanese
making Sea Shepherd pay
calling him a pirate
blaming them for what
a mess there is now in the
Southern Ocean’s
melting pot

America I’m sorry
I can’t agree with you
At last Australia has come out
and is doing what they must do

protect our wondrous species
the cretaceous must be saved
and Japan has got to see the light
for the oceans are not paved
with gold that they can plunder
No, no more will we
stand by and watch them slaughter
our great friends in the sea

under a scientific banner
with ships protected by
War ships and who paint
RESEARCH and besmirch
the good name of the masses
too many bold souls now cry
this is not a game
too many see the bloody
state of victims and
ask why
Japan has bloody got it wrong
and its not the whales who will pay
for if they do the world
will suffer
will suffer all the way.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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