boiling dogs alive and feeding them on tables on the pavement to avid diners needs stopping and now

Cooking dogs in buckets
full of boiling water, must
engage in me a huge response
for this action is unjust
needs spiteful application
and those perpetrators
have at least one limb
treated in a similar way
and this I’m sure would
do the trick
and make those bastards pay

the evil is grotesque
its immensity to be
gauged in any real sense
its complete depravity
pulling human beings
into a dark abyss
where no one ever could escape
a place where all would miss
those dogs such awful agony
trying to get away
climb back up the bucket
whilst the cook so called
the action by addressing
the poor soul in its climb
by hitting it and pushing it
back into its own slime

then as life sadly leaves it
cutting it apart
placing it upon some plate
so some distressing fart
can eat it on the pavement
can relish and desire
the torture and the evil
and the fast advancing fire
the arteries will harden
the colon will soon be
inhabited by maggots
stronger than a tree
my hope is that these
creatures ,we call culinary souls
will fall in their own buckets
and realise their roles
as torturers were noted
as Hell opens its doors
and they are swept into
a place
where the devils give applause
the consumers on the other hand
my advice to cram
and realise the maggots
will convert them into jam

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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