A Romanian Zoo a place to keep dumbed down men in not wild elephants

Elephants and zoo’s
don’t go together
herds will tramp for miles
how can it be?
how can we house an
elephant in a concrete yard
in a foreign climate
and do it thoughtlessly
a rubber tyre its plaything
a stark and nasty place
this animals is the evidence
of our cruelest human face
how do we sleep at night folks
Romania must see
an elephant so demoralised
as to kneel submissively
as to beg, and so forlornly
dissipate its soul
its urge to trample
over us
we who take on the role
of gaoler to the masses
who wait alone to die
zoo’s do nothing for ele’s
only make them cry
lament the fondest memories
of the great herds
when they ran
across the plain
through sweet hot rain
far away from man
and now look at this earthling
transported from its birth
place across the oceans
to a hell hole known as earth
but in part it does speak volumes
for the money grabbing ways
humans fall in to the trap
of thinking this stuff pays
Zoo’s do not help elephants
Zoo’s are concrete hells
and people thinking otherwise
are clearly under spells
created by the corporates
who imagine we can save
the wildest ones by
in our walk in grave
the solace and the misery
foisted on those who
are trapped and put onto display
which is what we do
or have them doing
rides around the zoo park
once again
an elephants feet were not
designed to suffer
all this pain
from walking on our tarmac on our concrete
we don’t care
as long as we’re making money
everything is fair!

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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