A true goddess emerges

Crescent moon eyes
gold eyeliner eyes
one look and your
to the skies
on a gilded besoms
spell driven, where we
can siphon, citrine
and pretend we are free

free to sup pomegranite
from a straw
and kiss my pentacle
that I, love more
being charged, it for me
represents Goddess C
who glides on her own besom
in front of me

in the, hand rolled incense
immersed in it, I
dance in the resinous smoke
which is why
my alveolus softens
and gently creates
a mirage effect
that just permeates
throughout my body
and makes me high

those eyes
just meander
I’m lost in their power
unconscious to life
around me this hour
breathless and eager
the ardour is present
inside of me

radiant princess
enchantress to me
painstaking light forces
our destiny
is sought and is possibly
desirable too
where the rich cherry blossom
hides wonders anew

where pea green bamboo
makes a spirited bow
curling itself
and proving just how
it can glide it can wave
in the forests so green
where the wild birds do sing
and where many have been

to the ends of the earth
underneath the vast veil
where sweethearts can
hold hands and follow the trail
to somewhere, where great Oaks
lay down their great boughs
or cover our heads
as we walk through the showers

Under a silver moon
Hecate, she
bestows on us magical powers
I follow her, she just
encourages me
to hold my pentacle
and just to be

calm for to panic
at this juncture might
mean I could lose her
and when I lose sight
of my Goddess C
when the golden moon sighs
thats when the qi I have left
ups and dies

crescent moon eyes
gold eyeliner eyes
a skin that is soaked
in the oils from the skies
from the seas from the air
every cell makes me feel
that this goddess truly
is so very real

I cannot imagine
a time when my eyes
could not feast upon her
and so realise
her bloom and her softness
her freshness her light
that encourages snowdrops
to always be white
to peep from the shadows
and glance at the sun
and reap showers of snow
like they always have done.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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