Australian Exports to Pakistan

Imagine it
Born in Australia
Land of sun solace and soul
Born to the lousiest of the sheep farmers
who sadly now lack real control
money that’s their driving force
decency, nothing today
they ship us off to the Middle East
and Pakistan, such dismay
21,000 thats 21,000 sheep
all hacked into and torn
tortured like no one could ever remember
actually we shouldn’t be born
no one should withstand this horror
let lone we innocent, we
are earthlings we have the same mother
Earth is where we all should be
roaming,and ruminating instead
ruination ‘is ours
we have to pay for men’s evils
for the ugliest use of his powers
Australian sheep farmers
they are a rotten bunch
of the vilest money grabbers
and most now have a hunch
Exporters, well like wellard are well
oiled with sin
live exports now of cattle and sheep
so underpin
their darkest of behanviour
they know, what they do
insufferable sadists
the whole, bloody crew
Australia was land of plenty
yea ofcourse, for some
us earthlings get short shrift alas
and of course it leaves us numb
what exporters, are doing
and how we suffer so
slain in cold blood, thats our lot we have no where to go
animal husbandry ha ha not a bloody clue
we chew the cud,out in the mud that is what we do
not live on shit pellets
of cardboard and glue
Australian Farmers its bad day to you
as sheep now what we reap
is what you should soon reap too

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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