The amount of reclammation
certainly appears to me
to be almost at fever pitch
to just re-claim the sea
what is the point of all this
where does it get us, we
have vast building projects
and deserts, that can’t be
right just killing the sea as we are doing
tearing up the sand and the creatures too
the sea life it is being slaughtered
every single day
whats the use
I have to take the view
that natural beaches are what
we should be aiming for
not man made shoreline
sacrificing sea
sucking deep sand out in
hulks now lying here and there
really for the tourist
who can see
whats happening
really I have to question
the sanity of losing
natural sea
and replacing it with concrete
and with loads of empty buildings
honestly it makes no sense to me
Klebang just look at how the sea
has been destroyed along that road
desert like just tufts of grass
car parks what a heavy load
we carry on our backs
as humanity will ask
whats the point of reclammation
and call us all to task
we need the sea, we need the natural beauty
we don’t need
miles of sterile concrete
where does all this lead
Malaysia I have to say
man made coastline seems
not coming close to being a natural coastline
itc is more a series of nightmare dreams
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