Sunray Kelly

Now here’s a man whose
depth of thought and feeling
is his own
enthused, and in the magic world
which clearly has now grown
to be a part of every waking
hour for him, and he
glimpses in his wondrous
space, perfect harmony
his energy is boundless
his feelings are profound
he scatters light and wonderment
all around the ground
he is in tune with Nature
and enjoys the music too
his diving board, his wardrobe
his melodies work through
Sunray Kelly sees it
sees beyond
the sight
of mortals in their stressful days
this man has got it right
he knows, and thus he sees
and so he feels
and he portrays
his energy is part of
the forest and it plays
the water, ponds and fountains
more music, he has made
something out of nothing
in what is a forest glade
his houses have that look
of fairy houses
from all those books
those pictures of where
Goblins lived, there is no doubt
they were the hooks
somewhere in his memory
and what he has achieved
is a fairyland in
Washington which
few could have believed
but Sunray had no doubt about it
his inner child has been
fighting all that time to
just soak up the scene
his beard length, gives us some idea
he’s at peace and clearly he
proves that if you want something
enough, then it can be
fairyland is possible
for the forest welcomes those
who want to cherish and to share
sunlight between their toes

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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One Response to Sunray Kelly

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