My little cat
has a bad eye
soon she will
lay down her head
and will die
my little “Misty”
stood by me, when I
was sick for a year
she purred
she did lie
by my side
she absorbed
all the pain
I expressed
She purred and she stirred
every word
I confessed
she was there
and she helped me
she helped me to see
outside my window
was life wild and free
and now she is poorly
and feeling such strife
but I feel so helpless
that she’s losing her life
for what can I do
but sit by her side
help her get through it
I must though confide
I do feel so helpless
I do, yes I do
I have to stay calm
and just talk it through
Misty will know
she will be aware
she will open her heart
her purrs she will share
but what can I do for her
what can I say
but goodbye my darling
as you go on your way