I was one of those Dogs

It once was said
we are man’s best friend
but in Thailand its not true
in some homes
we are treated well
but alas so very few
for strays and those of us
stolen, by the hunters
we realise that Hell
is only around the corner
for its then, the devils sell
their lack of any culture
their evil spreads like fire
amongst us, many perish
in what is a death thats dire
they only know the basest of crimes
which they violate all through
they do not feed us
or give us water
just torture, kick and try
every means to break us
and of course some of us
its the way these dog meat handlers
treat us
as if we’re dead already,
in a word
they treat us so abominably
they make us pray for death
they hurt us
they are terribly unfair
to us each day
if they are sentient humans
then we canines must scream,
this nightmare that they put
us through is one sick violent dream
the crates they push us into
are filled with blood and snot
blue bottles the size of spitfires
lay eggs on us and rot
we now await the final thud
when they hurl us down
we shudder, and we shiver
and we shake have we reached town
often our legs are busted
we’re whimpering, and we take
on all this sick behaviour
that our human charges rake
bludgeon us,and kick us
broken tortured souls
we’re thrown about like
bits of rag
where are the controls?
for those of us still breathing
we’re force fed
what a crime!
3 of the hoodlums jump on us
and brutally time after time
force this stinking pipe into our stomachs
and they pump
they bust our teeth its beyond belief
and they bruise our aching rump
then its smash us with some pole
or something hard about the head
and haul us into a boiling tub of water
that’s the bed
we lie in for a moment, before
death comes, and we
can float off into somewhere
where we would rather be
forced to leave your human world
oozing with abject fear
cut up and shipped to Laos
or Vietnam, or eaten here
Thailand calls itself the people’s
palms and sand and sunshine all the way
But for dogs like me its the worst hell
ever thought of
man’s best friend, not here
I have to say

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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