Caboodle ranch and Craig Grant (our friend) from some of the cats

Our truly amazing owners
suddenly decide
that we are living far too long
we must reach the other side
a quick, euthanasia
is the voyage that many get
a one way ticket into hell
clearly a poor bet

there’s some vile nasty bits of work
who smiled and set us right
when we were introduced to them
originally their might
of love
and care was laid upon us
but it was not to last
and in the blink of someone’s eye
I for one was cast

out into the coldness
where nobody did care
whether I slept in a card boad box
or was run over, I swear
and this man
Craig Grants sanctuary
was open for us all
sure he couldn’t care
but wouldn’t turn us out
his rule

its better than out on the streets
or the death camps, well and so
he took us in and tried to help
but do gooders they said no
he didn’t have the where for all
with all the rumours he was told
we are shutting down this place
and you are in the cold
so now he’s in the slammer
and it really isn’t fair
he’s being indicted for something
the community should share
its just so many of us came
which he couldn’t turn away
everything caught up on him
but he cant be made to pay!

throw him in some slammer
and say that we was bad
the people who got rid of us
they all make us mad
they just truly leave us
at poor Craig Grants back door
and he was supposed to
love us all whilst the community did ignore
I mean its clear he’s not at fault
it the owners who said no
get out of this house you runts
today you have to go

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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