The Pond
The Stocks
The Greyhound Pub
a sleepy Hollow, where
I stopped a while
to take a look
at the village
just to share
its magic
with those living
far away
who often say
what are the little villages like
and so I thought
today could be the day
its a sleepy little place
2 lovely country pubs
a secluded pond
some Tudor Stocks
and a mass of rushes
that unlocks
the history, for this is
an ancient village
its cottages are handsome
and they are
of all the little villages
around the place
Aldbury is one, that is a star
maintained in good order
ancient brick construction
wicket fences painted glorious white
and really bonny gardens
on every sort of level its lovely English
countryside al’right
and all around
the wondrous Ashridge Forests
a bountiful display
of all that’s green
trees, a great abundance
of fine specimens
growing close together
such a scene
Deer’s and Suirrels
Badgers, Moles and Foxes
all kinds of birds
a happy throng for sure
the light was at its glorious best this
highlighting various leaves
oh yes galore
brackens leaning this way and then that way
lonely paths, meandering a while
I watched the light change colour
the great easel in the sky
lovingly presenting
the forest from on high
its something to be proud of
really to understand
Ashridge is part of our truly
precious Forest Land
( and its right on my doorstep)