Universities and animal experimentation

Universities appear to me
to be places where such sin
of animals experimentation
but how did it all begin?
to find its way into laboratories
teaching our girls and boys
and why use and abuse earthlings
its not one of life’s joys

This poor soul, at Wisconsin
and colleges around
have to get their acts together
not come back to this ground
revealing so much evil
so much darkness
so much pain
“double trouble”
Madison what had they to gain?

Its a terrible indictment
to immobilise a soul
depriving them of food
so as to then control
a vile contraption screwed
into the skull
it seems to me
funding cruel experiments
is not how it should be

Humans do not have to sink
into the abyss, No we
must respect all other
earthlings, that we see
these really gruesome photo’s
of an, intelligent feline
who hadn’t hurt a living soul
experiments to sign
away a life
as they have done
is to prove to me that they
should close this sick
and throw the keys away

to do things in this day and age
to a innocent living soul
a sentient
a thoughtful creature
who clearly had a role
mapped out in the universe
and it wasn’t to be, used
by a university clearly
who terribly abused
an animal
so innocent
an animal
so sad
the staff who carried out
this work their judgement
seems so bad
and its with tax payers money
mutilation of this kind
electrodes and what appears to me
all from some sick mind
Thank Goodness though for PETA
they really did their stuff
for creation must confirm
that everyone has had enough

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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One Response to Universities and animal experimentation

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